Monday, January 25, 2016

Dark challenge

     None know her strength or courage against all.

In dark dress, in ease of challenge, sharks pass as nothing.
Such is whom I have by my side…, fearless…, daunting.
Who could accost such a one…, calm before death…,
with no challenger who would think to intimidate?

I know such a one of sublime moment of grace,
who’s peace cannot be challenged of evil.
She is close by my side…, none knowing,
victorious laughter…, heartening, encouraging.

At ease with her I find perfect…, joyous calm.
Such a one you should know. – Alas, they’re few.
I am wonderfully blessed by such a young knight,
my Joan of Arc…, precious…, fiercely gallant.

Dark challenge against her boldness has
no grasp, no purchase, no faith…, blind.
Blind to her deep strength none can affront…,
she is my daughter…, precious…, my cherished one.

Stand aside…, for she rises…, none left who will challenge her.

--RK, 11:36pmEST (UT/GMT -5), 1/24/2016
     Her name is Breakwater, her sound’s mirrored surface behind.+ - •selah•

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