Saturday, October 18, 2014

Can you help me?

     [How many ways do I really need to say it?]

I can see into your windowless room,
you know, the one inside you, the one,
yes, the one you never go into.

I’ve been there a very long time.
I know its every corner, crevice and curve,
and I don’t see a trace of you here.

It’s within you & me, a “place” you should know,
but it’s empty. - I know, because it’s my room,
yes, my room, too, the one deep within I didn’t miss.

How did you miss it? - It’s unmistakable,
unmistakable in its great depth, yes,
its great depth I could never ignore,

even though I was only eleven in 1964,
before 1984, a millennium, now thirty years back,
a thousand years between then and then.

Yes, I can see into your windowless room,
you know, the one you’ve never seen or,
right, the one you never looked for inside…

It’s not going anywhere, but everything else,
yes, everything else will soon go away.
And I don’t know “where” you’ll end up.

Can you help me…?+

--RK, 11:42pmEDST, 10/17/2014

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