Autobiographical, poetic commentary emphasizing compassion,
ones search for truth &
that which cannot be found except from within…
Consider well the altruism found here (to the great chagrin of 'detractors').
©Copyright 2006-2022 by RK, Planetary Poet Laureate (of the end time)
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
No turning back…
[Inspired by the musical mood of Robert Plant’s Big Log video.+]
…not once you’ve turned within…,
the greatest journey you’ll ever take,
but the car won’t start without commitment.
Take your time, but hurry, time’s running out,
entropy’s running languidly below idle, nearing end.
Pick it up, or be lost, for its deadline now hangs close.
(At the bottom of the pool, refusing to look up,
twenty minutes, no one noticed, I made sure,
only one lone bubble making its way to air.)
How committed I was no one knew I was on my way,
in certainty, with no turning back from within,
neither then nor ever, not a thought taken of it.
Drawn out sadness now only a ploy of mourning,
mourning of this utterly lost world, so dead,
“living,” deep in perception’s wasteland.
I moved into light far greater than “light,”
no sense of dread, sadness quickly fading,
dissolving tail lights on a freeway, no hurry,
though in thrall, earnest to hasten my destination,
far, far deeper/higher than I first knew to hope for,
but I knew it would be the greatest reality I’d sought,
wonderfully, terribly far beyond this dark place…,
this dank place I knew I had to escape, knowing,
knowing the only path beyond was deep, deep within…
No one, when I was eleven, could tell me, or even knew,
but I absolutely knew here was not all there was.
So I moved beyond the world, never to return…, finally,
finally finding the freedom of knowing, in absolute certainty,
(that perception would have only ever tragically detained)
even unto the Mystery of all things, entering its utter brilliance…
…perception’s seductive pinwheel left far, so very far behind…
--RK, 9:41pmEDST, 9/30/2014
I have many facets, but I’m NOT here to help the world. - “The world” couldn’t care less from all I’ve seen these seventy+ years here on THIS planet in the backwater of our galaxy! - They ONLY want to be entertained and/or paid attention to, and that’s simply not going to happen with me. - I am exclusively here to help seekers, those who have received the love for the truth and nothing less! - Go within, or go withOUT, in EVERY sense of that phrase! - It’s not about money, ego or even perception (Aldous Huxley’s “Doors of Perception” notwithstanding). - Believe me, I know! - Don’t be an insect like most I see who are caught in the •amber• of perception, not knowing that all that’s worth finding is far beyond, deep, deep within, way beyond emotion & thought! - It’s NOT an hard place to find…, not the Rabbit Hole Deeper I found when I was seventeen after six years of serious meditation, imagination & ego both hogtied & gagged in the backseat… - *selah* - My latest poetry/posts are here where I pull NO punches. - Don your deep-water waders…, eh? #smh
Monday, September 29, 2014
Message in a bottle…
This is how it all happened. - (1 hour, 30 minutes)
Watch the video for proof that gravity not only bends light,
but also propagates it & therefore must be instantaneous.
This confirms Isaac Newton’s contention that gravity is independent of space/time.+
--RK, 10:37pmEDST, 9/29/2014
Not Poetry
I have many facets, but I’m NOT here to help the world. - “The world” couldn’t care less from all I’ve seen these seventy+ years here on THIS planet in the backwater of our galaxy! - They ONLY want to be entertained and/or paid attention to, and that’s simply not going to happen with me. - I am exclusively here to help seekers, those who have received the love for the truth and nothing less! - Go within, or go withOUT, in EVERY sense of that phrase! - It’s not about money, ego or even perception (Aldous Huxley’s “Doors of Perception” notwithstanding). - Believe me, I know! - Don’t be an insect like most I see who are caught in the •amber• of perception, not knowing that all that’s worth finding is far beyond, deep, deep within, way beyond emotion & thought! - It’s NOT an hard place to find…, not the Rabbit Hole Deeper I found when I was seventeen after six years of serious meditation, imagination & ego both hogtied & gagged in the backseat… - *selah* - My latest poetry/posts are here where I pull NO punches. - Don your deep-water waders…, eh? #smh
Sunday, September 28, 2014
A true seeker…
I have many facets, but I’m NOT here to help the world. - “The world” couldn’t care less from all I’ve seen these seventy+ years here on THIS planet in the backwater of our galaxy! - They ONLY want to be entertained and/or paid attention to, and that’s simply not going to happen with me. - I am exclusively here to help seekers, those who have received the love for the truth and nothing less! - Go within, or go withOUT, in EVERY sense of that phrase! - It’s not about money, ego or even perception (Aldous Huxley’s “Doors of Perception” notwithstanding). - Believe me, I know! - Don’t be an insect like most I see who are caught in the •amber• of perception, not knowing that all that’s worth finding is far beyond, deep, deep within, way beyond emotion & thought! - It’s NOT an hard place to find…, not the Rabbit Hole Deeper I found when I was seventeen after six years of serious meditation, imagination & ego both hogtied & gagged in the backseat… - *selah* - My latest poetry/posts are here where I pull NO punches. - Don your deep-water waders…, eh? #smh
Saturday, September 27, 2014
The bill’s waiting…
“Give me a minute…”
Ahh…, true musical poetry… - No, I don’t mind at all… - *wan sigh*
This time it’s the undertaker’s turn but… - Give me a minute…+
--RK, 9:22pmEDST, 9/27/2014 (appearance edit: 10/27/2014)
I have many facets, but I’m NOT here to help the world. - “The world” couldn’t care less from all I’ve seen these seventy+ years here on THIS planet in the backwater of our galaxy! - They ONLY want to be entertained and/or paid attention to, and that’s simply not going to happen with me. - I am exclusively here to help seekers, those who have received the love for the truth and nothing less! - Go within, or go withOUT, in EVERY sense of that phrase! - It’s not about money, ego or even perception (Aldous Huxley’s “Doors of Perception” notwithstanding). - Believe me, I know! - Don’t be an insect like most I see who are caught in the •amber• of perception, not knowing that all that’s worth finding is far beyond, deep, deep within, way beyond emotion & thought! - It’s NOT an hard place to find…, not the Rabbit Hole Deeper I found when I was seventeen after six years of serious meditation, imagination & ego both hogtied & gagged in the backseat… - *selah* - My latest poetry/posts are here where I pull NO punches. - Don your deep-water waders…, eh? #smh
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Two sides to the coin…
Go within, or go without…
…yes, this coin, the one I’ve had a very long time now.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
And so it is, but I don’t know why, on one side,
but on the other…, I know exactly why, and always have.
I’ve found there’s nothing I can do, because they don’t know.
They don’t know they’re blind, blind to all that’s within,
as insects stuck in the amber of perception, unknowing,
and not wanting to know. - That’s the tragedy, the foil,
entertainment’s foil they fall on with no sparring partner,
their deaths without meaning, neither gathered nor cared for…
I’m no opportunist. - It never entered my mind, not even once.
I’m here to help, but only a few can be. - I call them… seekers.
--RK, 9:27pmEDST, 9/21/2014
(…so it will be until time’s end+…)
…yes, this coin, the one I’ve had a very long time now.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
And so it is, but I don’t know why, on one side,
but on the other…, I know exactly why, and always have.
I’ve found there’s nothing I can do, because they don’t know.
They don’t know they’re blind, blind to all that’s within,
as insects stuck in the amber of perception, unknowing,
and not wanting to know. - That’s the tragedy, the foil,
entertainment’s foil they fall on with no sparring partner,
their deaths without meaning, neither gathered nor cared for…
I’m no opportunist. - It never entered my mind, not even once.
I’m here to help, but only a few can be. - I call them… seekers.
--RK, 9:27pmEDST, 9/21/2014
(…so it will be until time’s end+…)
I have many facets, but I’m NOT here to help the world. - “The world” couldn’t care less from all I’ve seen these seventy+ years here on THIS planet in the backwater of our galaxy! - They ONLY want to be entertained and/or paid attention to, and that’s simply not going to happen with me. - I am exclusively here to help seekers, those who have received the love for the truth and nothing less! - Go within, or go withOUT, in EVERY sense of that phrase! - It’s not about money, ego or even perception (Aldous Huxley’s “Doors of Perception” notwithstanding). - Believe me, I know! - Don’t be an insect like most I see who are caught in the •amber• of perception, not knowing that all that’s worth finding is far beyond, deep, deep within, way beyond emotion & thought! - It’s NOT an hard place to find…, not the Rabbit Hole Deeper I found when I was seventeen after six years of serious meditation, imagination & ego both hogtied & gagged in the backseat… - *selah* - My latest poetry/posts are here where I pull NO punches. - Don your deep-water waders…, eh? #smh
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Lost ricochet…
…and you still miss, even on target.
You just don’t get it, in your deep blind.
I’ve passed far beyond the ramparts of the sun,
long, so long ago now, where you cannot follow.
The paranormal, normal to me, always has been.
Familiar to me, this, nothing to lose, fire away…
I won’t miss, my target found way back, and
you'll have farther to fall than I, gone now.
Nothing to lose, fire away, I’m gone, so gone.
Your fear my best weapon, without effort,
I look back briefly only to see you down,
your fall, forever with no recall or memory…
So fire away, I am so long gone, you…
…you shooting in the dark, no target found.
--RK, 11:15pm, 9/20/2014
(…all too familiar here+…)
I have many facets, but I’m NOT here to help the world. - “The world” couldn’t care less from all I’ve seen these seventy+ years here on THIS planet in the backwater of our galaxy! - They ONLY want to be entertained and/or paid attention to, and that’s simply not going to happen with me. - I am exclusively here to help seekers, those who have received the love for the truth and nothing less! - Go within, or go withOUT, in EVERY sense of that phrase! - It’s not about money, ego or even perception (Aldous Huxley’s “Doors of Perception” notwithstanding). - Believe me, I know! - Don’t be an insect like most I see who are caught in the •amber• of perception, not knowing that all that’s worth finding is far beyond, deep, deep within, way beyond emotion & thought! - It’s NOT an hard place to find…, not the Rabbit Hole Deeper I found when I was seventeen after six years of serious meditation, imagination & ego both hogtied & gagged in the backseat… - *selah* - My latest poetry/posts are here where I pull NO punches. - Don your deep-water waders…, eh? #smh
Saturday, September 6, 2014
What I do…
…I feel deeply, or it’s not done, abandoned.
There’s no time to waste, not now, not this late,
way too late to hate, to envy, have jealousy
or feel alone, not for any reasonable mind.
Are you reasonable, or does emotion rule
where it has no place to step forward,
against you, opposing you, to detriment?
Let it go, step back and bring balance,
balance from within, plumbed from your own depths,
depths you have yet to explore, emotion freed.
Yes, let it go, but watch and balance, set aside,
set aside in isolation of understanding, inclusive,
inclusive of all things, from deep within, untouched,
untouched of the world, far beyond its ken with death,
death its only “friend” hanging close by…, hungry,
hating everything I do, its destruction ever at hand.
So I move on, nothing to lose of its abandonment.
Nearer than ever, time’s end approaches quickly,
so long hoped for, awaited in close, deep silence,
listening for its last thrall…, with eternity,
eternity beyond the beyond, so very, very near… now…
--RK, 1:19amEDST, 9/6/2014
There’s no time to waste, not now, not this late,
way too late to hate, to envy, have jealousy
or feel alone, not for any reasonable mind.
Are you reasonable, or does emotion rule
where it has no place to step forward,
against you, opposing you, to detriment?
Let it go, step back and bring balance,
balance from within, plumbed from your own depths,
depths you have yet to explore, emotion freed.
Yes, let it go, but watch and balance, set aside,
set aside in isolation of understanding, inclusive,
inclusive of all things, from deep within, untouched,
untouched of the world, far beyond its ken with death,
death its only “friend” hanging close by…, hungry,
hating everything I do, its destruction ever at hand.
So I move on, nothing to lose of its abandonment.
Nearer than ever, time’s end approaches quickly,
so long hoped for, awaited in close, deep silence,
listening for its last thrall…, with eternity,
eternity beyond the beyond, so very, very near… now…
--RK, 1:19amEDST, 9/6/2014
I have many facets, but I’m NOT here to help the world. - “The world” couldn’t care less from all I’ve seen these seventy+ years here on THIS planet in the backwater of our galaxy! - They ONLY want to be entertained and/or paid attention to, and that’s simply not going to happen with me. - I am exclusively here to help seekers, those who have received the love for the truth and nothing less! - Go within, or go withOUT, in EVERY sense of that phrase! - It’s not about money, ego or even perception (Aldous Huxley’s “Doors of Perception” notwithstanding). - Believe me, I know! - Don’t be an insect like most I see who are caught in the •amber• of perception, not knowing that all that’s worth finding is far beyond, deep, deep within, way beyond emotion & thought! - It’s NOT an hard place to find…, not the Rabbit Hole Deeper I found when I was seventeen after six years of serious meditation, imagination & ego both hogtied & gagged in the backseat… - *selah* - My latest poetry/posts are here where I pull NO punches. - Don your deep-water waders…, eh? #smh
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